
Sponsor AMOUNT Facilities
PLATINUM ₹ 5.00 Lakhs
  • Five free registration.
  • One exhibition stall ( 4x 2m) for product display.
  • One  Digital Exhibit Display at the stall
  • One technical presentation.
  • Display of company logo in banners & backdrop
  • Full page advertisement of company in  the Abstract booklet
  • Display of company logo and product information on ICC website for a period of two years.
  • One Digital Exhibit Display at the stall
GOLD ₹3.00 Lakhs
  • Three free registrations
  • One exhibition stall (3m x 2m ) for product display.
  • One technical presentation.
  • Display of company logo on banners & backdrops
  • Full page advertisement of company in the Abstract booklet
  •  Display of company logo and product information on ICC website for a period of one year.
SILVER ₹1.50 Lakhs
  • Two free registrations
  • Display of company logo on banners &backdrops
  • One exhibition stall (3x2m) for product display
  • Full page advertisement of company in the Abstract booklet.
Exhibition Stall ₹1.0 Lakhs
  • One free registration.
  • One Exhibition Stall (2m x2m)
  • Display of company logo on banners & backdrops.
  • Half page advertisement of company in the Abstract booklet.
Banquet Dinner Price: 5 Lakhs
  • One Exhibition Stall (3m X2m)
  • The banner of respective Sponsors will get displayed in the Lunch / Dinner area at a Prominent Place
  • Three free Registrations
  • Full page advertisement of company in the Abstract booklet.
  • Display of company logo and product information on ICC website for a period of two years.
  • Two free Registrations
  •  Sponsor will be allowed to display its Standalone Product Advertisement Backdrop in the conference bag distribution area.
  • 1 Exhibition Stall (3mx 2m) .
  • Display of company logo on banners & backdrops
  • Half Page advertisement
  • Sponsor’s logo will be printed inside of the conference bag.
  • Sponsor will be free to put its promotional material in conference bag.


                 Types of Advertisement  Amount
Inside full page of the abstract booklet      ₹ 50,000
Inside half page of the abstract booklet      ₹ 30,000
Company leaflet (Not more than 3 pages) Inside the bag       ₹ 20,000

Terms and Conditions

  1. Sponsorship / Exhibition Booth offers shall be entrained on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  2. The built-up stall will be constructed with white octonorm panels.
    • The size of the stall will be as per category of sponsorship
    • Stall Fascia with Company name and stall number.
    • One table, chairs, spotlights for three sides, three plug points of 5/15 amp and carpeting (wherever necessary).
    • Facilities required if any, will be provided at an extra cost.
    • The Sponsor shall be responsible for any special permissions, licenses, etc. if any mandated by the Government of India.
  3. The Sponsorship offer shall be confirmed only on receipt of the full sponsorship amount.
  4. The organizing committee reserves the right to accept or reject the offer of sponsorship.
  5. For prominent exhibition and advertisement space book as early as possible.
  6. If there are multiple sponsors for the conference bag, logos for all such sponsors will be printed inside the bag.

*Account Details will be updated soon.

Sponsorship Application Form