A. Publication

  1. The paper to be presented in the NCCS-29 conference must be submitted by 21st November, 2024.
  2. All the submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.
  3. All accepted papers will be published in the Indian Journal of Cryogenics (IJC).
  4. The format of the manuscript should be according to the guidelines of IJC given in the website of Indian Cryogenic Council.

 B. Best Presentation Award

  1. There will be a few Best Presentation Awards (Poster/ Oral Presentation) in the NCCS-29 conference.
  2. The participants must submit their paper by 21st November, 2024 to become eligible for this category.
  3. In case of non-submission of the paper by the due date, the presentation will not be considered for this category.

 C. Best Thesis Presentation Award

  1. There will be one or two Best Thesis presentation Award for the PhD student working in the field of Cryogenics or Applied Superconductivity.
  2. There will be Technical Presentation by the applicants in one of the technical sessions of the conference during 27th -29th November 2024.
  3. The applicants need to submit a two-page synopsis on their thesis work.
  4. The applicant participating in this category will not be considered for Category- B in case the content of the presentation ( oral/poster) is related to the same thesis work.

  Eligibility Criteria

  1. Students who must have submitted their thesis but not yet awarded OR Students who have been awarded the PhD degree after 1st June 2023.
  2. The student must be a member of the Indian Cryogenic Council (ICC) at the time of application.

  Documents Needed

  1. A two-page synopsis along with the list of publications on their thesis work by 7th November, 2024.
  2. Copy of the thesis submission letter/receipt of the University/Institute OR Copy of the PhD degree.
  3. Recommendation letter from the Supervisor/Co-Supervisor.

   How to Register

  1. Do the online registration on the NCCS-29 conference website.
  2. Submit the synopsis as an abstract as per the instructions by 15th August 2024. The title of the abstract should be the title of the Thesis.
  3. Select Thesis presentation in the presentation category.
  4. Email a copy of the synopsis, submission letter/award certificate, and recommendation letter to nccs29delhi@gmail.com by 7th November, 2024.
  5. Please refer to the abstract ID during the submission of documents through email.