Information for Abstract Submission

The abstract submission opens: 6th June, 2024
The abstract submission closes: 21st August, 2024

A. Topics and their codes

The NCCS-29 conference will cover a wide variety of topics in the field of cryogenics and superconductivity not limited to the following topics. The participants need to choose a suitable topic while submitting the abstract through online portal.

1. Cryogenics

101. Large and Medium Scale Helium Refrigeration & Liquefaction
102. Cryogenics systems for accelerators and fusion devices
103. Cryocoolers and their application
104. Cryogenics for Space
105. Dilution Refrigerator
106. LNG and Liquid Hydrogen as Fuel
107. Heat and Mass Transfer at low temperature
108. Cryogenics for medical and food application
109. Cryogenics for Industrial Application
110. Novel/Futuristic applications of cryogenics
111. Cryogenic instrumentation and control
112. Other novel applications

2. Superconductivity

201. Superconducting magnets for Accelerators and Fusion Programs
202. Superconducting cavities for Accelerators
203. LTS/HTS superconducting material
204. Superconducting Magnets for research application
205. Superconductivity for Power Applications
206. Superconducting magnets for medical application
207. Superconducting cables and Current leads
208. Other novel applications

B. Guideline for Abstract

  1. This page provides guidelines for submitting an abstract in the conference. Authors should strictly follow the guidelines about the layout and style required for submitting the abstract. The abstracts accepted for presentation will be printed in the abstract booklet of the conference.
  2. The abstract must be in English. Its must be submitted in electronic format as a Microsoft Word file (*.doc or *.docx). Please check carefully the contents and format of your article before submitting as it will be reproduced in the abstract booklet exactly as it is. Times New Roman is the recommended theme font for the entire text.
  3. The Abstract Template can be downloaded from Here

a. Title
The title of the abstract for NCCS-29 conference

Title should be short, concise and centered using 12 point font, sentence case and should not be in capitals. Title should not exceed 20 words.

b. Authors Name

H. Kumar1 and P. K. Sharma2
The title should be followed by Author Name(s) centered and in 11 point font. Type initials and family name of the authors and underline the corresponding author’s name. DO NOT include degrees or professional designations. If authors are from different institutes/organizations, please use numbers ( 1,2.. etc) in superscript for each institute/organization.

c. Affiliation

1 Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi
2 Indian Cryogenics Council, New Delhi

The affiliation(s) should be centered in 10 point font in italics. The affiliation(s) should contain the name of the institute/organization and the country. The detailed address is not required.

d. Email-Id
Please mention the email ID of the corresponding author below affiliation(s) and leave a single space after that. The e-mail ID of corresponding authors should be centered in 10 point font.

e. Body Text

Please use ‘Times New Roman’ 10 point font size for the entire text in the body of the abstract with ‘exactly’ line spacing. Please do not put footers or headers on the abstract page. References, figures and tables in the abstract should be avoided. Use of standard abbreviations is desirable. Place special/unusual abbreviation in brackets after the full word, when appears first time. The abstract should be restricted to 250 words.

5. Abstracts will be reviewed and selected for presentation. Only registered delegates (amongst authors) are entitled to present the selected papers.

6. Every information related to the conference will be communicated to the corresponding author only. The corresponding author will receive confirmation through e-mail after successful submission of the abstract. Please use abstract ID in your future e-mail communication related to the abstract.

C. How to submit Abstract

  • Click to Abstract information in the Home page
  • Click on Abstract Submission
  • Create your Login account by filling  the required details and click on Submit
  • Click on Abstract Submission
  • Fill the required details and click on Submit
  •  You shall receive an email for the successful submission of your abstract

For further query, please contact:


Click Here Abstract Submission